March 23, 1953

Dear Desert Peaker:

We break a long silent spell with some news of DPS trips and activities. Perhaps a suitable starter would be to unveil the official DPS state for 1953, which shows the following new choices by the Section Membership at the January 13th., annual meeting.
  Chairman - Yours Truly (!) Vice-Chairman - Willard Dean
  Secretary-Treasurer - Emily Bear Member at Large - John Delmonte

I'm sure that I speak for the new officers in sending John Delmonte, Walt Heninger and Rosie Balsam our applause for last year's fine performance in office. If we can do as well it'll be a feather in our cap; we shall try.

Other business at the annual meeting was ratification of the revised section by-laws to include some worthwhile provisions:

1.) Nine peaks from the qualifying list (including Rabbit Peak, Montgomery Peak, New York Butte, Telescope Peak) are now required for the emblem. Climbing any six from the "Q-list" still sufficies for Section Membership.

2.) Membership in the Section is now open to anyone in Sierra Club rather than Southern California Chapter, as previously.

3.) Office of Secretary and Treasurer combined for more efficient operation

4.) Annual meeting scheduled for December, rather than January to allow listing of new officers in Spring edition of Southern California Chapter activity schedule.

The Southern California Chapter Executive Committee approved the ratified bylaws at its regular February 6th., meeting (not February 5th,, as noted on the by-laws) thus making them official, A copy is enclosed herewith; addition copies are available through the secretary-treasurer, Emily Bear.

Now peaks added to the qualifying list by vote of the membership were: Argus Peak (6,542') and Humphrey's Peak, Arizona, (12,611'). A now list of qualifying peaks is also enclosed.

DPS members have been active during January and February, with two outings reported:

On the Eagle Mountains trip, our good friend and reporter Margie Henderson slipped on a tuft of ---grass partway up toward the summit point, ended up with a sprained ankle and so was unable to give all the details of the c1imb. The Eagle Mountains afford some of the most spectacular and truly gorgeous, wild-west, boulder strewn (and piled!) canyon and mountain scenery and were host to some twenty-three Sierrans of whom ten, led by Skip Johnson, Gene Vison, Barbara Lilley of San Diego, saw fit to climb the summit for a rest and suntan.
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