Mexico Insurance

For trips Sierra Club sponsored into Mexico, the San Francisco office has offered insurance, albeit at a very expensive rate ($27 per day per person.)

There have been some who feel that the Chapter should make insurance available at a more reasonable cost so it is being looked into - but, don't hold your breath.

Duplicate Trip Problem

At times trips which use busses and cost money to take have unknowingly been scheduled by more than one leader at the same time. This has at times caused the potential participants to divide their sign-ups so that none of the trips had sufficient participation to be a "go."

The Council will be looking at ways to allow the leaders of these duplicate trips to know about each others' plans in advance of the chapter schedule printing so that adjustment can be made. No "approval" step is intended here.

Revisement of Leader Ratings

Regarding the proposed changes in leader ratings (longer "0" rated backpacks to be placed into a new rating of more stringent leader training requirements,) the proposal drew such a complete lack of support that it is virtually a dead issue at this point.

Some agreed that perhaps an increase in awareness of the activity chairs in the various groups would be helpful. It looks like this will take the form of an increase in training of the activity chairs at the February volunteer leader workshop.
Dean Acheson
Council Rep
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