Some Small Desert Peaks     by Campy
Turtlehead Mtn (6324'), 20 Mar 1992

When you look west from Las Vegas you can see the deep red hues of Red Rock Canyon. The geologic feature of this area is the Keystone Thrust Fault which appears as a gray limestone ridgeilne of the Spring Mts capping the red and white sandstone. A paved scenic loop road from Charleston Blvd was built by the Bureau of Land Management to view the formations at close range and to reach popular rock climbing areas. Turtlehead Mtn resembles a giant turtle's head rising from the desert in the foreground.
The Sandstone Quarry indicated on the Blue Diamond 15 quad is a trailhead for local hikes. From here the base of the peak is reached after a mile along the trail and up a dry wash. I climbed the broad west-side canyon to the limestone ridge and followed upward through pinyon. Summit views ranged from the colorful western escarpment and Charleston Pk to the hazy and impacted desert of the ever-expanding Las Vegas 'burbs. This short climb is for anyone who has a half day of free time while in Las Vegas. Stats: 2 mi to summit one-way and 2000' of gain.

Ryan Mtn (5461'), 4 April 1992

The choice of Joshua Tree for Andy's and Wynne's wedding was perfect. Their vows were spoken in the style of the old west, in the bright sun and with a backdrop of worn out granite boulders. The preacher slung a six-shooter and was dressed in preacher-black as in a John Wayne movie. In the morning before things got started Ron Young, Edna Erspamer, and I decided to go up the Ryan Mtn trail from the wedding campsite at Sheep Pass. We enjoyed the hike, done in traditional hiking attire with leather boots while runners panted by wearing neon running garb and modern 7-oz running shoes. Stats: 1 1/2 mi o.w., 900 ft.
Harris Hill, (5738'), 29 Apr11 1992

This backpack up Marble Canyon in the northern Panamint Range was Bob Greenawalt's Idea. He had earlier been to Goldbelt Spr by a different route but wanted to explore the trail used by miners who predated the Hunter Mtn vehicle road (Marble Cyn 15' quad). Henry Heusinkveld and I rode in Bob's vintage Willys wagon to the end of the road at 2000 ft elevation in the canyon. Packs were filled with water bottles and I carried 13 liters for the 3 days. We started up the easy trail in Marble Cyn at 4 pm. After 3 hrs we were at the confluence with Dead Horse Cyn and here we made camp.
An arrow points to Goldbelt Spr on a boulder at this confluence. The trail remains well behaved and the rattlesnakes we met gave us plenty of warning. At a later canyon junction Marble Cyn is the more prominent one going to the right. We were elated when we arrived just after noon at the dirt road at Harris Hill from below Goldbelt Spr. Bob and Henry checked out the wildrose- overgrown spring and excavated a pool in the mud. We relaxed out of the wind at one of the two cabins remaining there (elev. 4945'). When the sun was getting low-it had a halo indicating an approaching weather front-we picked out a campsite in the canyon. Henry quickly got a small sagebrush fire going to boil the dark and suspect spring water which in time became clear except for a grimy looking foam on top.
Harris Hill (5738') overlooks Marble Cyn and Shorty Harris Cyn but dominates neither. It is merely a hill with a name for it, and is in fact the lowest hill on its parent ridge. But it has a small mine, or more likely only a prospect, which perhaps was dug by the man whose name has been put on yet other landmarks in Death Valley. We climbed it via the obvious trail to the prospect and then up the windy slope to the summit. A register book had been placed there by an earlier DPS party of 3.
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