June 10, 1992

Dear Editor:

Initially, upon hearing reports about Dale Van Dalsem's testimony at the April 4th California Desert Protection Act hearing, I had an urge to voice my consternation over his irresponsible act. But, since I regrettably did not attend the hearing myself, I kept my peace. However, after reading the text of Dale's testimony, reprinted in the Desert Sage #219, my adrenaline rushed as it became apparent that I could not remain a responsible member of the Sierra Club without coming out to censure his despicable public action.

Upon reading the text of Dale's testimony, I was not only "appalled", as Vicky Hoover was, but disgusted and abhorred at the treachery embodied in his testimony. Flaunting his Sierra Club membership and leadership credentials he urged the defeat of the proposed California Desert Protection Act .. the one piece of environmental legislation that the Sierra Club has wholeheartedly endorsed and labored hard to realize for many years. Dale showed complete disregard for Sierra Club principles and contempt for his fellow Sierra Club members. It appears that Dale values his membership in the Sierra Club less than a membership in a discount merchandise warehouse club.

What are the privileges and responsibilities of Sierra Club membership? The Sierra Club is the embodiment of a set of ideals, goals, and principles to which its membership subscribes. The strength of the Sierra Club comes from unity in action among its membership. Members are encouraged to participate in the discussion, formulation and evolution of the Club's guiding principles and positions. However, once a principle or position on an issue is set, the Club must stand united in its support, before the public and, especially, in front of the opposition.

If as a "private individual" I found myself to differ in opinion on a particular Club issue or position, I would work hard within the Club to change it. If I was unable to sway the Club's position successfully on a fundamental issue, I would have to reevaluate the continuation of my membership in the Club. I could not at any time, however, appear in public and in front of the opposition waving my Club membership card while blasting the Club's position with inane arguments. Dale did not act as a "private individual" at the April 4th hearing but as a brigand and turncoat ready to enlist in the ranks of the Sahara Club.

Finally, Dale's absurd argument about the undue hardship of enduring an additional 54 miles of desert traverse enroute to listed peaks is superb testimony to his inability to "enjoy the desert" unaided by the very artifacts that are spoiling our desert. Although I differ with some of the policies and practices of the National Park system (I do not welcome a Disneyland Diorama in the Mojave, either), I welcome the California Desert Protection Act that will "lock up" the desert from encroachment and exploitation today giving us time to mold the National Park practices in the future.


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