1. 5. BY-LAWS CHANGES: Bill T. submitted the following suggestions for changes to the By Laws. They will be discussed further at the next Management Committee meeting.
    • add description of Archivist position to Article IV
    • add words to Article IV, #6 to include job of preparing the budget
    • add to Article IV, #9: "when published six times on odd months"
    • change Article V, #5 to: "new management committee starts after the Banquet
    • change Article VI, #6 to: "The fiscal year of the Section shall be from 1 October to 30 September."
    • Change Article VII, #1 to: "The Peak List shall be published as needed in the Section Newsletter."
    • Add to Article VII, #1: A copy of the Peak List shall be provided to new members.
    • delete Article VII, #2a.
    • delete Article IX, #2: first 3 sentences describing Mountaineering committee membership leaving description of functions only.
    • add to Article IX, #2: "The Peak List change procedure will be advertised in the SAGE prior to the deadline for submitting change recommendations."

  2. 6. PEAK NAME CHANGES: Bob Greenawalt has requested that the name of Brown Peak be changed to Evelyn. Bill T. also suggested the following name changes to be consistent with Benchmark names:
    Current DPS Peak Name BM Name
    Mt. Jefferson

    No decisions were made at this meeting.

  3. 7. ROAD & PEAK GUIDE SALES PLAN: Wendy presented the following plan for sales of the R&PG and it was accepted:
    • Copies will be available at DPS membership meetings.
    • Wendy will set up a table at the SPS Banquet to sell R&PGs;
    • Bill T. and Patty Kline will set up a table at the HPS Banquet
    • Wendy will take them to CMC meetings
    • Trip leaders will be provided with copies before trips when possible.
    • All DPS management committee members will be provided with copies for sale.

  4. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING VENUE: The management committee will meet at 7:30 on 22 January 1992 at Bill T's. This will cover the February meeting.

    SAGE - Deadline for SAGE #217 is 30 December. Ron is looking for articles on Death Valley to include in this issue.
    Conservation - Pat recommended that the DPS obtain their own set of maps. Treasurer- Wendy presented an updated financial statement (see Attachment). She reported at net loss of $776 for November due to the advance for the R&PG leaving a balance of $330.05. Cal Fed is now charging an $8/month service fee on the DPS checking account. Wendy will research other options.

  6. NEXT DPS Membership MEETING will be at 7:30 at the Cal Fed S&L. The Back Road Explorer's will present the program. Bill T. encouraged members to bring "old" members to the meeting.

  7. TONIGHT'S PROGRAM drew a record attendance of over 60: Ron & Leora Jones presented a slide show of their trip in Mexico's Copper Canyon
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