Mail Bag


Something is bothering me: Most of you people don't know how to have fun and relax! Example: After climbing Indianhead, 14 hikers were invited to a jacuzzi at Ram's Hill and only two of us went! Three stayed in camp and 9 went home immediately. Sunday's hike featured 5 new hikers. I know people are busy, but you have to ask yourself what is important as you go through life. Make time for yourself or you won't stay healthy. --Paul Freiman
Letter to the Editor:

With interest, I read Wes Shelberg's quip in the current #216 SAGE concerning his traverse proposal to do Panamint Butte from Towne Pass, & then egress down to the Big 4 mine in Panamint Valley.
His scheme may be well and good for the one-day tigers, but I would suggest a more entertaining and extensive, 3-day April-like backpack trek. Yes, do Panamint Butte from Towne Pass, and then continue northward to spend a night within a forest at Cottonwood Springs, one of our always-reliable and revered water supplies. The next day, Canyon Point (our newest Desert Peak) can easily be accessed, along with a second night's camp at Hunter Spring, adjoining the old log cabin atop Hunter Mtn. The third day would involve all downgrade footage past Jackass Springs and through Mill Canyon into northern Panamint Valley and The Dunes. Return transportation could be spotted in the vicinity of Lake Hill, near the Big 4 mine. Where else can one capture two Desert Peaks, and have a good water source to count on each day? The trail is very "doable" between Panamint Butte valley (top of Lemoigne Canyon) and Hunter Mtn. I have yet to try the intriguing-looking portion thru Mill Canyon south of the Saline Valley road saddle. I'd judge this Cottonwood Mtns tour will add up to 30-35 miles. --Bob Greenawalt, Dec 1991

Dear Members: The notes accompanying your renewals are helpful to the editor. The results to date with the first 75 renewals.
  * Use bigger type 42%
* Paper too big- can't read it all 16%
* Need updates on condition of peak registers 8%
* Great job 24%
You've made the editor's job a lot easier. Henceforth I don't do anymore retyping or reducing. I won't include articles of outside interest after this issue. The DPS Management Committee holds me to about 20 pages for cost purposes and something has got to go! So larger type for easy reading, fewer articles so you have time to read them. Please keep your suggestions comments coming--Editor.
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