about 10 people during the last 10 years. At that point, we dropped down to Chatovich meadow which at ll,800’ was the low point on the traverse. A very pretty area where Cabin Creek leads down to the east into fish Lake Valley and Birch Creek leads down to the west into Chalfant Valley. By noon we had lunch and dense cloud’s covered the crest to the north. We decided to head down to highway 266 in Nevada. Going another mile north, we reached the head of Indian Creek Canyon and could see a dirt joad about 3,000’ below us. By early evening we reached the road and hiked along it for five miles before making camp where a good running stress crossed the road.

Next day, we hiked another seven miles of road and reached the fish Lake Valley highway. Campy drove over and picked us up. Dave drove us up to Queen Canyon to retrieve our two vehicles and then everyone heeded for hone. It was a good effort going across the southern half of the range under winter conditions. The access to ths crest fron the Indian Creek roadhead is direct and is used by ranchers for cattle to reach Chatovich flats. Several of us plan on going back in at that point next summer to regain the crest at Mt. Vogue and finish following the northern half of the crest north to the roadhead in Queen Canyon.

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