• Toroweap Valley, Vulcans Throne, and the latter' s nearby Toroweap Lake playa.
  • Prospect Valley extending southward from the river.
  • The San Francisco Mths (of Humphreys Pk fame) about 100-miles away near Flagstaff.
Mt Emma's spectacular location encourages me to risk being presumptuous or a meddler by reccmunending that Kolob Chapter members, who wish to compile a peak list (The Desert Sage, 210, 8, Oct/Nov 1990), investigate Mt Emma's qualifications.

The round-trip criteria for the route drawn on the accompanying map are benign: Class 2, 6-miles and 3562-ft elevation gain; but they may belie the time required. This pumiceous route roller-coasters over sane volcanic cones which adds to the elevation gain. Another route from the trail-head to Mt Emma has less elevation gain by staying low on the east side of the Uinkaret summit ridge to avoid ups and downs. But why sacrifice views?

The trail-head is accessed by a benign jeep road, but have 4-WD. Proceed west from the Toroweap Ranger Station (see Mt Trumbull SE Quad (AZ, 7. 5-Mm, 1967)) for 0.2- mile, turn left and proceed 6.9 odometer miles (6.6 by map) to a faint road junction shown on the Whitmore Rapids Quad (AZ, 7.5-Min 1967, coordinates 072111 (read rt/up)). For further clarification, this junction (near The Cove on the thpo) can be found when driving by noting that it is 0.4-mile past the west end of a small playa which the road crosses unmistakably. Keep right at the junction and proceed for 0.8-mile to a faint jeep trace/track leading left (west) at coordinates 069119 (read rt/up). This track is not printed on the topo, but is drawn on the accompanying topo reproduction; you may have to look sharply and persist a bit to locate it among the pinyon pines, but it is unmistakable once upon it. Follow the trace west 0.9-mile to its end at a fine camp site. Because of the pinyon pines, for easy location of the vehicle upon returning from Mt Emma, park the vehicle in an open area where it can be viewed fran above. Also the ground in a volcanic region such as Mt Emma's can be hard and passable when dry but very muddy and perhaps unpassable when wet.

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