News Flash


This is the first of two reports on the membership survey - this report will deal with the section on current issues. The survey went out to all 200 or so Sage subscribers and 63 people responded; one response came in after the computer analysis had been completed, so the results below reflect only the 62 timely (within 2 months) respondents.
The respondents were 39 men and 19 women and 4 ungendered (?) people, and the first question concerned attendance at meetings: 23 respondents do come to meetings, 38 do not, and one did not reply. There was a difference by sex here: 3l% of the male respondents came to meetings while 47% of the female respondents came to meetings. Asked what would bring them to meetings, 18 of those who do not usually attend wanted meetings closer to their residence or live far away. Others complained of job and time constraints (4), some wanted more exciting programs (3), and one asked not to be ignored at meetings. A few people saw a chance for humor. Asked "What would bring you" they replied "two big MPs," "free flights from Canada," "wine and striptease," "Cher," etc.
The Management Committee then asked what to do since we could no longer meet at Griffith Park on Wednesdays, and the vote for meeting 1st Wednesdays at another location was 19 yes to 4 no (82% vs. 18% of those voting on that question). 12 people voted yes for any Tuesday in Griffith Park while 6 people voted no for that option (67% and 33% of those voting). So it was 3 to 2 (18 to 12) for 1st Wednesdays elsewhere. The Management Committee has already acted on this preference and found a meeting place for 1st Wednesdays at the California Federal building at Pico and Overland in West Los Angeles.
Next, the compilation of the Road and Peaks Guide was supported overwhelmingly by 57 people, 93% of those voting; only 4 people opposed it. People were divided about how to print it, as a complete set and charge for it or as part of the Sage for two years, but 39 (9l% of those voting) opted for the complete set and 29 (76%) for the Sage serial. Many voted for both options, some stating that corrections only should be printed in the Sage; there were twice as many negatives on the Sage option (9 to 4) and more abstainers too. At a June 1 meeting the Road and Peaks Guide committee did decide to make complete Xeroxed sets (and individual peak pages) available; corrections will be printed in the Sage (unless they are too numerous).
We then asked if respondents thought the DPS list should go over 99 peaks, and respondents gave us no mandate here: 28 people said yes, 26 said no, and 8 abstained! Very close.
Next time we will discuss the membership itself and compare it with the survey results from last year.
  Karen Leonard


At the June first meeting of the Mountaineering and Road & Peak Guide Committees, four new names were added to the 'Peak List', and another class four peak was added! But wait! Don't panic and say; but I never voted to have any peaks added to the list. These peaks were on the list but the names were changed to reflect what was on the map or the common usage.
First 'Toiyabe Dome', in Nevada, becomes 'ARC DOME' this matches the new 7 1/2' map. Second 'Providence Peak' of San Bernardino County, formerly a closed contour in the Providence Mountains becomes 'EDGAR PEAK' as shown on new 7 1/2' Fountain Peak topo. Third the high point of the 'Kofa' Mountains of Arizona is now 'SIGNAL PEAK' as on the 15' Livingston Hills map. And last 'Cerro de la Encantada' in Mexico, will be 'EL PICACHO DEL DIABLO', this is the Peak we usually call "Big Picacho".
The new four class peak? South Guardian Angel got upgraded because of fun approach up the Left Fork Creek. Also 'Avawatz Mts' got moved from Death Valley to San Bernardino County. The 'Peak List' which will be printed in the next issue of the 'Desert Sage' will also have a few changes in climbing difficulty classifications, and adjusts the designators such as Peak, Point, Mountain, Range to be in accord with the maps.
But the most important thing that Bill T. Russell has done with the 'List' is to add all the new 7 1/2' maps. Bill has spent more than 24 hours working on, and retyping, the new 'List'. When you see it, in the next issue, you will know it was worth the work! Thanks again to Bill T. Russell.
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