headed up the NE ridge to bump 1893. After this the route is obvious and a few use trails can be seen contouring some bumps. From the road 1700', 41/2 hour route Suzanne bagged her first desert peak. She then ran downhill to gain five minutes on Bill and I. We last spotted her at bump 1893. She was not in sight when we got to the bump and started the westward turn toward the road. We got to the road and still no Suzanne. I had Bill play lookout while I hiked back to the car to see if she was there. I felt it would be bad form to lose a new woman friend on the first outing. Besides, I didn't want to face her mom. Marlys had stayed behind and she was at the car when I got there. No Suzanne. I told Marlys to send Suzanne back up the road if she should come down off the ridge. Another 20 minutes and I was back with Bill. Still no Suzanne. As I was starting to climb the mountain to bump 1893, there was a shout. Suzanne had come down off the ridge and Marlys had sent her back to find us. It all ended happily as we visited "Oh My God" Hot Springs in Anza Borrego on the return home, then stopped at "Romanos" (B Street in Julian) excellent food and huge servings, for dinner.
Chemehuevi & Stepladder

We met at the intersection of Lake Havasu Road and Highway 95 on Saturday, February 6th, 1988, for the scheduled Chemehuevi Peak Hike. We left about a quarter to nine for the trailhead off the Power Line Road, running parallel to Lake Havasu Road. Bob Kanne lead a leisurely hike up the wash and straight to the peak.
After getting back to the cars in the late afternoon, Don Sparks and I left the group to go do Stepladder just west of Highway 95. The directions provided by Randy Bernard over the phone were excellent. We drove 1.7 miles south on Highway 95 from Lake Havasu Road intersection and west on good dirt road for 10 miles, right (North) on poor dirt road for 8+ miles and parked. We got there just before dark. The poor dirt road would have been hard to find in the dark.
The next morning, after a very long night with a very bright moon, we left at 6:19. We traveled on a 277° bearing maintaining a good pace. We went up the washes and over a couple of low hills, then up the peak on good solid rock. It took us 11/2 hours to reach the top. We were back at the truck in another 11/2 hours at exactly 9:19 a.m., long before the sun thought of getting hot! Total time, 3 hours.
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