Write, call or visit Senator Wilson's local district office today. Letters and calls will have more impact at this time, if they are received at the District office rather than in Washington. Senator Wilson is running for reelection in 1988 and has characterized himself as being strong on the environment. He needs to hear from Californians that protection of the Desert, and unequivocal support of the Cranston/Levine Desert bill is a critical issue to California conservationists.

In your letter to Wilson be sure to specifically mention your support for:

* A 1.5 million acre Mojave National Park

* Expansion of Death Valley by 1.3 million acres.

* Expansion of Joshua Tree by 245,000 acres

* 4.5 million acres of BLM wilderness in 81 areas

* Federal Protection for the Indian Canyons

* 20,000 acre addition to Red Rock Canyon State Park

Please write, call, or visit:

Senator Pete Wilson
11111 Santa Monica Blvd., #915
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(213) 209-6765

To Ron and Norm a toast we make
at the 7th annual burro bake.

Desert DeerThese two have been desert dears
and deserve our thanks and three cheers.

Anna issues the wisdom of Sages with a knack
to you we give the T-shirt off of our back.

Argus Peak we seek to climb
and afterwards make song and rhyme.

The die was cast in pills of blue
and Betty made an ass out of Graham too.

There was ice cream and strawberries and lots to eat
but then it was time for the darn burro meat.

I won't say it was gamey or that the taste was queer
but Col. Saunders need not fear.

I'll close this poem for I can't wait
I'll see you all at number eight.

Paul Freiman
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