The Desert Sage
This is the time and place to thank the members of the management committee that did a such a great job this past year. But equally important to thank those who helped without the glory of being on the "Board".
To start with we thank Anna Valkass for all her hard work in bringing you the 'Desert Sage' and to her right hand man, Maris. And to Carolyn West both as 'Sage' mailer and Chapter Council Rep. And to Bill Faulkner as our representative on the Conservation Committee.
The most important person cannot be listed by name because that person is the all important trip leader. Without them we would have no DPS!
The last people to thank is the DPS membership for voting for us (the board) and giving us your confidence and your support. It has been a pleasure to serve!
As for myself, I shall continue to serve the DPS by continuing the work on the "Road and Peak Guide".

  Randy Randy Bernard
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