Management Committee News

DPS Meeting Minutes February 23, 1988

Began meeting with ballot nominations for 1988-89 Management Committee: Randy Bernard, Karen Leonard, Wynne Benti, Frank Dobos, Tina Stough, Carolyn West, Ursula Slager. Chuck Stein nominated from floor.

Karen Leonard briefly presented partial DPS Survey results: 2 to 1 in favor of moving meeting time to first Wednesday Karen suggested new location of California Federal Savings & Loan. Motion made by Danta, 2nd by Valkass. Meeting attendants voted to move meetings to first Wednesday starting in October and to new location: California Federal Savings & Loan building, 10680W. Pica Blvd., SE corner of Overland and Pico, West LA.

Wynne's recent ad in Desert Sage concerning availability of Sages for purchase generated $75- in sales to date, requests coming in from places as far away as Vancouver, British Columbia.

Discussed removal of illegal peaks, Argus & Maturango from DPS list, citing security clearance problems for members working in government oriented business requiring security clearances.
Discussed removal of Mexican Peaks, citing unstable political climate and hostile attitude of Mexican officials toward American tourists.
Motion made to put both issues on the DPS ballot.

Wynne Benti, DPS Secretary 3/1/88


At the February DPS meeting, proposals were made to delete some peaks from the list and it was thought that those proposals could be placed on the ballot which accompanies this issue of the SAGE. However, close reading of the bylaws revealed that these proposals will have to be taken up next year instead. Proposed changes must go to the Mountaineering Committee by next November 30 and be forwarded by that Committee to the Management Committee by January, 1989, so that the Management Committee can propose them at the February and March meetings. If the Mountaineering Committee and/or the Management Committee declines to forward changes proposed by members, then petitions signed by 25 regular members can be submitted at the March meeting.
The changes proposed were of two kinds. The first proposal stemmed from the preliminary survey results, which indicate that at least 1/5th of the respondents want illegal peaks removed from the list (Argus and Maturango). The second proposal concerned all the peaks in Mexico and stemmed from the experience of some DPSers on a recent trip to Pescadores.
Undoubtedly these proposals will generate controversy and discussion in the section, and they will probably come up on the ballot a year from now. What about proposing a few choice peaks to be added to the list? Let's be prepared to consider changes--there may be good reasons for both deletions and additions. Respect the right of fellow DPSers to propose changes they think will benefit the section--we'll all get a chance to hear the pros and cons and vote on the proposals.
Karen Leonard

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