approx. 832304). From the crossing, go southwest cross-country about 0.6-mile to the Waterpocket Fold escarpment-edge at Coordinates 826298, elevation 6480-ft; this is where the major drainage (shown on the Quad) of the extensive plateau west of VABM George plunges over the escarpment, and where you can look down and see a section of the Scenic Drive way below. From here, simply transit (about 20-degree West) the plateau cross-count about two miles to Ferns Nipple. About 0.15 mile south of Ferns Nipple there is a Navajo Sandstone "ellipsoid" peaklet marked on the Quad by an "elliptical" 6800-ft contour; approach it directly via the plateau, pass right next to it on the east side, and when just past scramble up to the base supporting Ferns Nipple. The round trip is a relatively easy, approximate 10-miles.

The Park Rangers say that Ferns Nipple (which they have accessed by routes shorter but more difficult than mine) can be climbed most easily from the west or northwest side, with the last 50-ft at the top being the most weathered and dangerous. I had no chance to inspect these sides because the approach of fast-moving weather on the horizon made me anxious to return to the car. But at least it was easy to climb up the first 1/3 of the Nipple on the south side before the slope became impossible. Almost certainly I won't climb to the top of Ferns Nipple on any side. The exposure reminds me of that at the top of South Guardian Angel, and I have bad visions of hanging onto the Nipple's cross-bedding by the finger nails.

5. Nellies Nipple. See Desert Sage #190, May/July,1987. Loraine Quad (Ca. 7.5 min, 1972).

6. Desert Princess Nipple (i.e., The Thimble). If ever a graceful cone truly belongs to the genre "Nipple" it is "The Thimble" in Anza- Borrego State Park near Ranchita, CA. The Thimble deserves to be in a scholarly article such as this one on nipple-cones, and merits the attention of all nipple climbers. Climbed with Jack Grams 19 Nov 83, and later. Barbara Raab's name was on top (date ?), and a few others have climbed it.

The Thimble is named on the Tubb Canyon Quad (CA, 7.5-Min. 1959, Coordinates 469786). It consists of massive gray granite, rises steeply about 600-ft above its high-elevation base, and is easily recognizable from many far-off vantage points in its region of San Diego County (e.g., from viewpoints on the northern part of the Sunrise HEW in the Laguna Pits. Among places seen from the top are San Ysidro Mtn and Ridge, Pinyon Ridge, Whale Peak, Granite Peak, Santa Rosa Mtns, Coyote Mtn, Carrizo Mtn, and the Laguna Mtns.

As a persistent fantasy, undoubtedly rooted in visiting all the nipple-cones described herein plus an occasional sunstroke, my daydreams visualize The Thimble as a nipple, specifically as the "DESERT PRINCESS NIPPLE" IN HONOR OF THEM DESERT PEAKS SECTION. Sunstroke? Hors de Combat? Well, as precedents the U.S. Geological Survey visualizes Squaw Tit on the 1933 Turret Peak Quad (AZ, 30-Min) as Squaw Butte on the 1967 Verde Hot Springs Quad (AZ, 7.5-Min): the Mexicans (with DPS acquiescence I might add) visualize Picacho Del Diablo as Cerro de la Encantada; and the AAA with unconscionable audacity visualizes VABM Nub on the Halloran Spring Quad (CA, 15Min) as Club Peak on its San Bernardino County Map.
Though disclosed, the fantasy remains and no one, yes nobody including the DPS can take that away from me.

To climb Desert Princess Nipple, park where HWY 5-22 enters Anza-Borrego State Park near Ranchita, CA. Follow the decrepit fence, marking the Park's boundary, north to the east side of chimney Rock. Continue north (picking up the fence again in 0.25 mile) to the 4920-ft contour (Coordinates 475769). (Vehicle tracks seen on private property to the west lead temptingly toward the Nipple, but we are probably not welcome on them). Avoid the tracks and, in order to avoid troublesome boulders and brush known to exist starting about 0.25 mile ahead due north, climb to 5200-ft on the south end of the ridge supporting Peak-5326 and contour around the east side of that peak to the north side of the saddle at elevation 5160-ft (Coordinates 476776). Descend the northwest drainage and proceed to the little saddle (Coordinates 469784) extending south immediately from the Nipple's base. Climb the south side gaining 320-ft of elevation by altimeter. Then "contour" easily around to the west side, in the process gaining shout another 60-ft of elevation and going through or by a picturesque "cave". The remaining elevation to the summit is easily climbed on the west side just past the cave. A few have climbed Desert Princess Nipple from Culp Valley which increases elevation gain somewhat. TO HPS: nearby San Ysidro car be climbed easily from Desert Princess Nipple's vicinity.
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