Sierra Club
Dear Friend of the California Desert:

In February 1986, Senator Alan Cranston introduced S. 2061, the California Desert Protection Act. This bill would establish Mojave, Joshua Tree, and Death Valley national parks and provide wilderness protection for 4.5 million acres of land currently threatened by development, mining, overgrazing, and destruction by irresponsible off-road vehicle use. Introduction of the Senate bill is a crucial step in our effort to gain permanent protection for the California Desert.

Senator Cranston will reintroduce the California Desert Protection Act in a few weeks. We must now convince Senator Pete Wilson to join Senator Cranston in sponsoring this historic legislation. Senator Wilson has not yet taken a position for or against the California Desert Protection Act. Recently, California conservation leaders took Senator Wilson on a tour of some of the desert's most spectacular areas. In addition to introducing him to the beauty of these areas, we explained to Senator Wilson that protecting the California Desert was the top conservation and political priority of California's environmental community. It is very possible that Senator Wilson can be convinced to support the Desert bill. You, as a conservation leader, can help to influence his decision by contacting him and urging his sponsorship of the California Desert Protection Act.

Please write or call Senator Wilson today and ask him to join with Senator Cranston in sponsoring the California Desert Protection Act, which will be introduced soon after Congress begins. Even a handful of thoughtful letters from Californians urging support for the bill at this critical time may be enough to make a difference in Senator Wilson's decision. We are counting on your letter as one of those.

Hon. Pete Wilson
Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510


Washington, DC -(202) 224-3841
Los Angeles ----(213) 209-6765
San Francisco --(415) 556-4307
San Diego ------(619) 293-5257
Fresno ---------(209) 487-5727
Orange County --(714) 720-1474

I urge all of you to write to Senator Wilson. As users of the California desert it should be our moral obligation and responsibility to protect part of the desert for this and future generations. Please write now.
Barbara Reber    
Conservation Chair

Thank you for all you can do.


Jim Dodson, Regional Vice President, Sierra Club

Judy Anderson, Chair, California Desert Protection League

Patty Schifferle, Regional Director, The Wilderness Society

Jim Eaton, Executive Director, California Wilderness Coalition
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