The Desert Sage

CHAIRMAN'S CORNER September, 1986

Well, summer is nearly over and its the beginning of the official Desert Climbing season, always my favorite time of year! The mountains are beginning to be visible through the smog layers, the temperatures in the desert are starting to drop into the double (instead of triple) digits, and , as Randy's column in the last Sage indicated, we have lots of great trips coming up in the months ahead. Our advance schedule reflects a nice variety of both trips and leaders; both new corners and old timers - cheers to all of them for their willingness to put in the time and effort involved to lead a good trip, and may they all have lots of participants!

Your new Management Committee's goals for the year ahead (for those of you who have asked!) include:
-get through the year without any disasters (managerial OR climbing)
-more recognition of leaders , encouragement of new leaders
-become more involved in conservation activities (maybe joint activities with the Desert Conservation Committee, donations to worthy causes such as Mono Lake.)
-rewrite our by-laws to reflect the fact we now have a list finisher pin (yes, that has to be in the by-laws!)(and getting new by-laws approved is apparently no mean feat...)
-and possibly other goals as they come to mind, or are suggested by you, the members. We do want to encourage input from all members on ways to make the DPS bigger, better, more reflective of your interests, and more fun.

A reminder that the Angeles Chapter Diamond Jubilee is fast approaching (November 1) -contact Bob Cates of the History Committee with your photos and other memorabilia from DPS's glorious past!

  • A few notes from the Management Committee's initial meeting in June we decided (by majority vote) to leave Kofa's emblem status unchanged (ie., it does not have to be climbed by the Palm Canyon route to qualify as an emblem peak) but encourage leaders to not lead it by the 1-hour northeast route. And, although Argus and Maturango will remain on the Peak List, as per the results of the election, we will not publish trip write-ups of these peaks, because they are still on restricted Navy property, and can't officially be climbed at this time. We hope the situation will change, but for now, we feel we have to take a "responsible" position.
  • We also decided that all DPS trips submitted for the Schedule MUST go through the Outings Chair (Randy Bernard) first, so plan those trips early enough to send your write-ups to him!
  • Special thanks to Barbara Reber for putting out the extra August issue of the Sage (we've had so many positive comments we may have to make it a regular!) and to Karen Leonard for putting together a fine slate of programs for our meetings.
Hope to see you all at the meetings and on lots of trips! SherrySherry
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