The Desert Sage
Chairman's Corner 18 March 1986

Many times in our meetings when the conservation report is given, we seem to let it go right past us. As a group we don't take much interest in conservation.

I think that we should change our ways and start supporting some of the causes, particularly the ones that affect the areas that we in the DPS love and enjoy. The two most obvious groups/causes are the SCRCC Desert Committee, and the Mono Lake Committee. I hope that many find a way of supporting them or others financially, by personal participation, or even the occasional letter writing campaigns.

Our annual banquet is next month. Randy Bernard prepared a flyer which is enclosed in this issue with all the information pertaining to it. I hope that you all come and visit with your friends and enjoy Bob Michael's presentation. I will see you there!


Museum Photo
If anyone can identify the subject matter of this photograph from the Southwest Museum's photo archives, please contact the
museum's Braun Research Library at (213) 2211-2164
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