The Desert Sage
The Chair


The 1981-1982 Management Committee has been at work --it appears the Section is in for a very active season, at. least the prospects look great, what with a selective trip schedule for the fall (look for those interesting outings that Ron Bartell, Vice-Chairman, has received for publication in the Schedule). Then Jon Lutz, Program Chairman, has put together a wonderful array of programs that will make our meetings very enjoyable. And don't forget! when you attend the meetings, you get to hear first-hand what Art Blauvelt has to say about the Council and its activities. Then, Secretary-Treasurer Mary Sue Miller will keep us appraised of where the Section's funds come from, and where they go. DPS welcomes any inputs and suggestions which will receive proper attention and publication in The Desert Sage, and for that you send your blurb in to the Editor, Barbara Reber. And last, but not least, the Mountaineering Committee: Chairman Ron Bartell, Bill Bradley and Bill Russell await any suggestions you may have regarding our peaks list.

I look forward to seeing many of you at the meetings throughout our Season - and don't hesitate to bring a guest!

  Have a happy desert outing,
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