Canyon, which must be of easier access to autos, since the pipeline in Tuber has been extracted. Steel pipe was favored up until Tuber, when cast iron pipe took over. The cast iron fittings were hacked off with sledge hammers and the pieces can still be seen along the route. The most entertaining part to some hikers was the Tuber Canyon ascent up the steep north face where some of the few sections of pipe remaining served as our walkway. From its hump, one can clearly look across Wildrose Valley, as it was formerly called. All has vanished except the big scar on most of the Wildrose crossing, yet in the southern heights a good bit of pipeline lies partially buried, and neglected by the salvagers back when. The remarkable part of the pipeline is that there was no pumping plant required-we kept looking for one. The source is at elev 7,220' while Skidoo's 4,700' level made for a favorable flow. One would swear along the highs of the right of way that it flowed uphill. One hydraulic engineer in the group was consistently searching out the old valves at the high and low points along with the leader. Old brass Crane valves still allow the user to turn them off and on. Should be a Crane testimonial commercial! Once down in Wildrose at the paved road, interest ceased for a complete run into Skidoo, as the best part had been visited. However, the third day was spent in exploring sites along the way by car and the end of the line still has a few sections of pipe left at the old Skidoo mill, which still stands with its 15 or so stamps exposed to the wind. It is in a side canyon so not many visitors know its whereabouts. Also the old bunkhouse has been burned, a place of comfort in a 1964 DPS climb of Tucki Mtn, when a snowstorm passed through the area. Only nails are left-not even blackened charcoal. This writer surmises the winds hauled off the ashes and left only the heavies-not gold dust but rusty nails. The 20-mile project is one to be revered, as the terrain is so rough and mostly inaccessible.
So for the seven persons that made the whole hike, we say we would like to do it again. It was an adventuresome trip! The dog didn't whimper about conditions either.
by Robert O. Greenawalt


Due to circumstances beyond who knows who's control, the Jan l7-18 trip Kingston/Eagle #1. led by Doug Mantle and Cuno Ranschau has been cancelled.
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