The Desert Sage

“There is a facination about this barren place that can be appreciated only by those who extend their stay to the full exposure of this environment....At the time the sun lowers in the west, a deep indigo belt rises from the eastern horizon and the sun baked mountains all around assume a most fantastic color. The air is very clear and views up to a hundred miles present themselves, with ridge after ridge outlined in silhouette. In the desert you contemplate earth and time and life. You find perspective.”

Henry Mockel

Greetings from Crow Canyon in the Argus Range near Trona. While relaxing in the patio this afternoon I thought of the above quotation by the famous botanist and flower illustrator, Henry Mockel, who lives in 29 Palms. Summer temperatures are dropping and it is time to think about climbing and exploring in the desert again. Jon Inskeep has given us the opportunity the next Schedule with 26 trips in 19 weeks. From Malarrimo Beach, Baja to the Bird Spring Mountains. Two exploratory trips are being led. One to the Mecca Hills and another to check-out Saline Peak, a possible list qualifier.

Time again to think about trips you would like to lead or help with during March to July 4. The Schedule deadline is mid-November so send your trips or suggestions to Jon.

Seminars and hearings continue to be held by the BLM on a comprehensive use plan for the California desert. A tentative draft will be enacted by January 1980. Now is the time to give your input to the BLM on such things as the future of desert wilderness and the closing of littletraveled desert roads. You can get on their mailing list by writing:

Desert Advisory Committee
3610 Central Ave ,Suite 402
Riverside, CA 92506
District Manager
Bureau of Land Management
1695 Spruce Street
Riverside, CA 92507

These are two
separate mailings.

See you all at our next meeting on November.
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