The Desert Sage

The annual banquet was another social and financial success. Your new chairman, for instance, won a door prize. His thanks goes to Barbara Reber, the ticket picker. A special thanks goes to John and Ruth Mendenhall who presented the program, "Climbing together in Canada, the Alps and the Sierras", and to the various merchants who donated door prizes.

The management committee for the coming year is as follows:

Mike Manchester, Chairman
Gordon MacLeod, Vice-Chairman
Ron Jones, Secretary-Treasurer
Ron Fracisco, Program Chairman
Duane McRuer, Council Representative
Harry Brumer, Conservation Chairman
Barbara Reber, The Sage Editor

The chairman's "cabinet" consists of the following highly qualified persons, picked for their individual talents and/or achievements:

Vi Grasso, Minister of Cultural Affairs
Doug Mantle, Ambassador to the S.PS.
Anna Lou Pinson, The Desert Stream Crosser
We can expect their report at each monthly meeting. The ranks of the cabinet will be expanded as new talents and/or achievements come to my attention.

The committee dedicates itself to a full season of enjoyable and interesting desert climbs, entertaining monthly meetings and a fulfillment of its responsibility for the protection of the desert environment.

Have a great summer!
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