New Attempts Made to Save The Blythe Intaglios
Intaglios Intaglios
THIS 1932 PHOTO, used by special permission, shows some of the Blythe intaglios before vehicle damage occurred. The human figure is about 200 feet long. (Copyright National Geographic Society.) WHEEL CUTS in the same intagiios, located about 14 miles north of Blythe. The figures are clearly visible at ground level, indicating attempts to destroy the ancient Indian art were deliberate. (Photo by Dr. Charles K. Davenport.)
Intaglios Intaglios
PENTAGON-SHAPED fence enclosed the human figure. The animal, right center, believed to be a mountain lion, also is fenced. This protective effort took place in the mid-1950's with the aid of Blythe's Palo Verde High School and businessmen of the city. Subsequently, attempts were made without success to knock down fences with vehicles (Photo by Joe Dahilig, Bureau of Reclamation) THE LATEST work to protect the Intaglios was done over Washington's Birthday weekend by 25 volunteers from Ventura, Orange, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. Half of these people responded because of an article in SUNSET MAGAZINE. The article also resulted in more than 100 letters from others anxious to help. (See story on next page.)
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