6 Monthly Meeting Gerhardt Bakker
9-10 Mt Dubois (Backpack) Les Stockton and Ken Ferrell
16-17 Manly Peak and Corkscrew Peak Paul Nelson
3 Monthly Meeting John Vitz
6 Martinez Peak (joint with HPS) Les Stockton, Paul Lipsohn, Vitz
13-14 Tucki Mtn and Thimble Peak Gordon MacLeod
20-21 * Pleasant Mtn and Nelson Mtn Carol Miller
25-28 Big Picacho (4 day backpack) John Robinson
1 Monthly Meeting Arkel Erb
4 Rabbit Peak Fran Smith
4-5 Pilot Peak and Black Butte John Vitz
11-12 Rabbit Peak and Villager Peak Les Stockton
11-12 * Sombrero Peak and Jacumba Mtn Fran Smith
18-19 Big Maria Mtn and Palen Mtn Paul Lipsohn
5 Monthly Meeting Les Stockton
8-9 * Chuckwalla Mtn and Eagle Mtn #1 Ken Ferrell
15-16 Avawatz Mtn and Pahrump Peak Barbara Rosen
22-23 * Spectre Peak and Granite Peak #2 Roy Magnuson
29-30 Kofa Peak and Castle Dome Paul Nelson
2 Monthly Meeting Ken Ferrell
5 Telescope (snow climb) Les Stockton
11-13 San Antonio Falls in Baja John Robinson
19-20 Chemehuevi Mtns John Vitz
26-27 McCullough Mtn and Mt Tipton Gordon MacLeod

* Trips planned with the slower climber in mind.
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