MILEAGE: 264 miles of paved road, 7.2 miles of excellent dirt road.
DRIVE/ROUTE A: From Blythe, CA. drive 21 miles E on Interstate 10 to the town of Quartzsite, AZ.,
leaving the freeway at Exit No. 17. Turn left (over the freeway) at the off ramp stop sign, then right (E) on a
frontage road which runs along the N side of the Interstate. In about 1 mile you'll come to a 4-way
intersection with a stop sign. Turning right (S) here on US Highway 95, pass over the freeway again and
drive approximately 18 miles south on US 95 to the signed “Kofa National Wildlife Refuge, Palm
Canyon” sign. This sign is located 0.7 miles south of highway milepost 86. Turn left (E) and drive 7.2
miles of excellent dirt road to the Palm Canyon trailhead parking lot.
CLIMB/ROUTE A: From the upper end of the parking lot, follow a trail 0.5 miles E up Palm Canyon to
its “official” end at a viewing point for the Fan Palm grove high in a slot wash on the north wall of the
canyon. Continue E up the narrow canyon to where it broadens out at about the 3000 foot elevation level.
Bear right (SE) here, heading uphill to gain the large canyon to the south. Follow this canyon E to within
200 feet of its head, where thorny trees, brush and a headwall bar further progress. On the north wall of
the canyon, ascend a 45 foot third class pitch just right of a dry waterfall. Continue up a brushy chute
about 200 feet to the crux pitch, an 80 foot high fourth to low fifth class cliff face. Climb up the left side
of the cliff about 60 feet, then traverse right about 15 feet across the face to a notch, where much easier
climbing leads to the top of the cliff and a large belay boulder. The lead can be protected by various
methods along the left side of the cliff, however the traverse across the face is on rather smooth rock with
meager hand and footholds, particularly as one approaches the notch. From the top of this pitch, head up
and right around a corner, climbing NE on a series of rock steps up a whitish colored watercourse. At this
point two options are available; either climb to the visible notch directly ahead and then downclimb to a
second notch on the crest of the ridge or, bear right and traverse along the the base of a cliff face to the
abovementioned crest notch. Either route will require some low third class rock scrambling. Once at the
crest notch, it is easily identified as the junction between reddish-colored rock on one side and white rock
covered with green lichen on the other side. From slightly below this notch on its western side ascend the
white rock by any convenient route (low third class in a spot or two) to the ridge line above. From the
ridge line the peak can be seen as a large whitish mound 0.25 miles to the ENE. It’s any easy walk from
there to the summit. NOTE: A 50 meter (165 foot) rope is required for the rappel off the crux pitch. All
climbers should be equipped with a seat harness, carabiners, and a rappel device. In addition, a safety
helmet is highly recommended for all climbers because of loose rock near the top of the crux pitch.
ROUND TRIP STATS/ROUTE A: 2800 feet elevation gain, 4 miles, 8-9 hours
DRIVE/ROUTE B: Same as DRIVE/ROUTE A directions.
CLIMB/ROUTE B: From the starting point for ROUTE A hike N along the base of the mountain on a faint
use trail for about 1.25 miles to the mouth of Four Palms Canyon. Turn right, hiking SE up the
canyon about 2.0 miles to a point just below the summit ridge near a sharp peaklet at UTM 721950. Heading
SW here, contour below the peaklet to the summit ridge and then up the left side of the ridge to the top.
ROUND TRIP STATS/ROUTE B: 2700 feet elevation gain, 5.5 miles, 8 hours
DRIVE/ROUTE C: Follow the directions for DRIVE/ROUTE A to the signed "Kofa National Wildlife
Refuge, Palm Canyon 9 miles" road turnoff at US Highway 95. Turn left (E) here on an excellent dirt road
and drive 3.4 miles to a signed junction "Palm Canyon 4 miles, Kofa Queen Canyon 5 miles". Turn left (N)
on the fair dirt road heading for Kofa Queen Canyon. Bear right at a fork in 0.6 miles. Continue another 4.0
miles to a fork where you'll bear left, dropping into a wash. Follow a poor dirt road 2.9 miles up this wash to a
turnoff on your right at the mouth of Ten Ewe Canyon. This turnoff is large enough to accommodate parking
for about 3 or 4 cars.
CLIMB/ROUTE C: As a point of reference, Ten Ewe Mountain can be seen at a bearing of 214° from the
cars; Signal Peak is not visible from here and can't be seen until you're within about 0.5 miles of it. Walk S
about 150 yards into Ten Ewe Canyon to where you'll see a large cliff face about 1 mile ahead. This cliff face
has a large cave near its base with a black waterfall stain just left of the cave. Two routes to the summit area
can be seen from here. The first (and easiest; Class 2) route is up the canyon to the left of the cliff face.
Climb any combination of slopes and chutes to the 4200 foot elevation saddle on the skyline ridge, 0.25 miles
W of Ten Ewe Peak. Turn right (W) here and hike to the summit. A second choice (harder; tough Class 3) is
to climb the brushy canyon to the right of the cliff face, following it to its head at the base of cliffs high on the
mountain. From the upper left margin of this canyon climb up and right on ledges (a few exposed low 3rd
class spots here) to a flattish area just N of peaklet 4720+ at UTM 721950. At this point you'll intersect
ROUTE B which comes up from Four Palms Canyon; lots of ducks in this area. Traverse the N side of
peaklet 4720+ to a saddle, dropping down its S side for about 150 feet, then continuing SW to the summit
over easy terrain.
ROUND TRIP STATS/ROUTE C: 2100 feet elevation gain, 3.5 miles, 4 hours
1. Signal Peak is the high point of the Kofa Range. The Kofa Mountains got their name from a famous mine
located in the range, the King of
Arizona mine, which operated between 1896 and 1910.
2. In 1939 the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge was established. It encompasses 660,000 acres of desert land
and is home to nearly 1000 bighorn sheep. In fact, the bighorn population in the Kofa range is so prolific that
animals are being captured for transplanting to other Arizona ranges and throughout the Southwestern United
3. Refuge rules and regulations can be found in the Public Use Regulations brochure available on the Palm
Canyon Road at the Refuge boundary. The following list is a brief summary of the regulations.
A. Motorized, vehicular traffic is limited to designated roads only. Off road vehicle traffic is
strictly prohibited.
B. Collecting, possessing, molesting, disturbing, injuring, destroying, removing or transporting any
plant or animal is prohibited.
C. Carrying, possessing, or discharging firearms or explosives on the refuge is prohibited.
D. Pets are permitted only if they are confined.
E. Persons are prohibited from searching for or removing objects of antiquity, Indian
artifacts, or paleontological objects.
F. Visitors may select their own campsites. However, applicable State laws prohibiting
camping within 1/4 mile of waterholes are in force. Vehicles must remain within 100 feet of
designated roads. Camping is limited to 14 days during any 12 month period.
G. Campfires are permitted, but only dead wood may be used. No wood may be removed from
the refuge.
4. Signal Peak lies within the boundary of the Kofa Refuge Wilderness. This wilderness area encompasses
approximately 516,200 acres of land, making it second only to the Cabeza Prieta Refuge as the largest
wilderness area in the state of Arizona. The Kofa Refuge Wilderness is managed by the Kofa National
Wildlife Refuge.