***This WESTERN DRIVE route is NOT recommended as multiple washes have cut deeply crosswise on
this access route. While DRIVE/ROUTE B EASTERN APPROACH is longer, the road is much better and
is the recommended drive route, Jeep-type vehicles excepted.
DRIVE/ROUTE B/WESTERN APPROACH: From Desert Center, CA drive 17 miles N on State Highway
177 to the Palen Pass dirt road, located about 10 yards N of highway milepost 17. Turn right (E) and drive
1.8 miles of sandy road to its junction with a dirt road coming in from the right. Continue straight (E) 8.1
miles to where the road makes a 90° bend from N to E at UTM 769539. Park. (NOTE: For details see Palen
Mountain/Granite Mountain #2 road map in Guide Section 4.11, Palen Mountain. The approach to Palen
Pass from State Highway 177 can be very rough, with large washouts cutting across the road making high-
clearance 4WD vehicles a must. Besides that, the first two miles or so in from the highway are extremely
sandy and can easily trap a 2WD vehicle.) The faint road heading N from here is within the boundaries of
the Palen-McCoy Wilderness Area and is off-limits to vehicular traffic.
CLIMB/ROUTE B: Hike 1.5 miles (N) up the poor dirt road to its end at UTM 770559, about 0.25 miles
NW of hill 528. Head N for 1.75 miles to the base of the mountain along the high ground that separates the
two large washes that run N-S from the peak. From here head N on the ridge over point 996 to gain the
summit ridge about 0.25 miles W of the peak. Turn right (E) and climb to the top. Descending from the
peak you can either retrace your ascent route or hike to the saddle just W of the summit and drop down the
gully just E of the ridge you ascended, following it to the large wash at the base of the mountain. Exit right
to the high ground W of the wash and retrace your steps S to the vehicles.
ROUND TRIP STATS/ROUTE B: 3200 feet elevation gain, 9 miles, 7-8 hours
DRIVE/ROUTES A & B/EASTERN APPROACH (Recommended Drive approach): The starting points
for Routes A and B on Granite Mountain #2 can be driven to from the east. If you're doing Palen Mountain
and also plan to climb Granite #2, then it might make more sense to approach the range from the east side.
Keep in mind that a 4WD vehicle may be needed for some of the sandy spots encountered on this eastern
approach. (NOTE: For details see Palen Mountain/Granite Mountain #2 road map in Guide Section 4.11,
Palen Mountain) Exit Interstate 10 at Lovekin Blvd. in Blythe, CA and drive approximately 5 miles N on
the boulevard to where it turns NW, crosses a set of railroad tracks and is called Midland Road. From the
tracks drive 12.1 miles to a large white (talc) boulder on the left (W) side of the road marking the turnoff
to the railroad station of Inca. This turnoff is clearly shown on the AAA Riverside County map. Turn left
here on an excellent dirt road and in 100 feet take either fork (they rejoin just before Inca) for 1.4 miles to
the railroad crossing at Inca. Cross the tracks and bear left (S) on a good road heading toward abandoned
trailers and equipment. At a road fork in 0.15 miles bear right and follow the road as it curves west.
Disregarding all minor forks and junctions, stay on the main road (paved along certain portions of its length),
reaching a fork in 5.5 miles. Bear left and drive 3.4 miles to a fork. Bear right, driving 1.4 miles to a fork.
Bear right (the left fork will take you to the start of Routes B and C on Palen Mountain, Guide No. 4.11)
and drive 0.3 miles to a fork. Bear left and go 0.8 miles to a fork. Bear left, following the sometimes sandy
road 8.6 miles NW then W to the turnoff (right side of road) for Route A. Follow Drive/Route A/Western
Approach directions about 0.8 miles from this turnoff to the parking spot near the wash. To reach the start
of Route B drive the Palen Pass road 3.3 miles W of the Route A turnoff to where it makes a 90° turn from
W to S at UTM 769539. Park.