MILEAGE: 165 miles of paved road, 8.0 miles of excellent dirt, 12.9 miles of fair to poor dirt, 1.6 miles of
poor dirt road
DRIVE/ROUTE A: From Chiriaco Summit drive 9 miles E on Interstate 10 to the Red Cloud Road exit.
the off-ramp stop sign drive straight
(S) on excellent dirt (signed BLM brown stake road C032), passing
under high voltage power transmission lines in 0.5 miles and continuing another 0.7 miles to a junction. Bear
right, driving 0.85 miles on fair dirt to a fork. Bear left here following light duty power lines on your left and
railroad tracks on the right for 0.15 miles to a fork. Bear left (lower road), following the power lines 0.95
miles to a fork. Bear right and drive 0.85 miles to the unsigned Gas Line Road. Turn right (S) and follow the
Gas Line Road (fair dirt with power poles on E side of road) for 7.7 miles to its junction with the signed
Bradshaw Trail Road. Turn left (E) on the Bradshaw Trail (excellent dirt) and drive 6.8 miles to a faint road
heading left (N) toward Black Butte (CM 480). This faint road is 0.4 miles E of a visible concrete slab located
20 y
ards S of the Bradshaw Trail. Follow this faint road 2.4 miles N to a junction. 2WD's park here. 4WD
high clearance vehicles can continue by bearing right, passing through a wash and continuing 1.3 miles to a road
fork. Bear right and drive 0.3 miles. Park.
CLIMB/ROUTE A: See Map 1. Head toward the SW canyon of Black Butte at a 33° bearing, hiking up the
wash and keeping left at all m
ajor forks until
you gain the summit ridge at approximately the 4,300 foot level.
Turn right (SE) and walk to the summit.
ROUND TRIP STATS/4WD/ROUTE A: 1600 feet elevation gain, 3 miles, 2.5 hours
ROUND TRIP STATS/2WD/ROUTE A: 1830 feet elevation gain, 6.6 miles, 4 hours
DRIVE/ROUTE B: From Desert Center, CA. drive 9.3 m
iles E on Interstate 10 to the Corn Springs Road
exit. Turn right (S) at the off-ramp stop sign and follow the
paved, signed Chuckwalla Road for 0.6 miles to
the signed Corn Springs Campground turnoff. Turning right (SW) here, follow the good dirt road for 6.3
miles to a spot just S of point 1841 at UTM 564213. Park.
CLIMB/ROUTE B: See Map 2. Scramble up the prominent
wash S of the parking spot to a saddle (UTM
E of point 3051. From here you can see Black Butte at a bearing of 203°. Drop SE down from the
saddle, following a wash to easier walking at the 2,200 foot level near UTM 562190. Hike SSW over rolling
terrain for about 1.0 mile to Ship Creek Wash. Follow this large wash 1.3 miles, first W then S to the 2,400
foot level at UTM 543162. From here climb the peak by either of the following routes: 1) Head S up a chute
located just right of Black Butte's N ridge. Following this chute to its end, gain the N ridge, which is taken to
the top, or 2) Hike the prominent wash heading S toward the saddle E of Black Butte. At the 3,000 foot level
the wash forks three ways. Take the far right fork up to easier slopes and the top.
ROUND TRIP STATS/ROUTE B: 4500 feet elevation gain (3800 in, 700 out), 12 m
iles, 8-9 hours