MILEAGE: 178 miles of paved road
DRIVE/ROUTE A: From Indio, CA drive E approxim
ately 23 miles on Interstate 10 to the signed Mecca-
Twentynine Palms exit. At the offramp stop sign, turn left (N) on the signed Cottonwood Springs Road,
reaching the Joshua Tree National Park entrance station at Cottonwood Springs in 7.0 miles. A park entrance
fee must be paid here before continuing further into the Park (See SIDELINES 1 below). Continue N from
the entrance station on the Pinto Basin road for 2.4 miles to a dirt road turnoff on the right. This dirt road ends
in about 50 feet at a concrete barrier and some fence poles. Parking is very limited on this short dirt road; two
or three cars at the most. All others will have to park along the shoulder of the paved Pinto Basin Road.
CLIMB/ROUTE A: See Map 1. From the end of the dirt road locate a grouping of large, rounded boulders at
the base of the m
ountain at a bearing of 130°. Hike this bearing for about 3 miles across the desert flats to the
boulders, which are located at the mouth of a large canyon. Hike up this canyon to about the 4200 foot
elevation level, bearing right into a gully which is followed to a notch at 5040 feet elevation (UTM 157348).
From this notch the peak can be seen at a bearing of 115°. Hiking along that bearing (ESE), drop about 150
feet in 0.3 miles to where you'll gain the summit ridge and follow it to the top.
ROUND TRIP STATS/ROUTE A: 2400 feet elevation gain, 9 miles, 6 hours
DRIVE/ROUTE B: Follow DRIVE/ROUTE A directions to the Joshua Tree National Park entrance station at
Cottonwood Springs. Turn right here on the signed, paved road to the Cottonwood Springs
Driving 0.7 miles to the signed turnoff for the campground, turn left, entering the fee campsite area. It is
assumed in this writeup that you will be staying at one of the established sites since day use parking is not
available in this area. If you need day use parking only, it's probably best to park at the Cottonwood Springs
entrance station. Camping fees and regulations are discussed in SIDELINES below.
CLIMB/ROUTE B: See Map 2. The hike starts at the far end of cam
pground loop B at site #17. Walk cross
country at an 82° bearing through the low gap in the foreground hills, then on to the mouth of a large canyon
at the base of the mountain. Hike up this canyon to about the 4200 foot level and bear right into a gully which
is followed to a notch at 5040 feet elevation (UTM 157348). Follow ROUTE A from here to the top.
ROUND TRIP STATS/ROUTE B: 2400 feet elevation gain, 9 miles, 6 hours
DRIVE/ROUTE C: Follow DRIVE/ROUTE A directions to the Joshua Tree National Park entrance station at
Cottonwood Springs. Turn right here on the signed, paved road to the Cottonwood