MILEAGE: 183 miles of paved road
DRIVE: From Indio, CA. drive 34 miles S on State Route 86 along the W shore of the Salton Sea to Salton
City, CA. Turn right (W) here on County Highway
S22 and drive about
14.8 miles to a spot 0.2 miles W of
highway milepost 32. This will place you at the signed "Thimble" jeep trail on the S side of the road (If
approaching from the W, this signed jeep trail is 12.8 miles E of Borrego Springs, CA. on County Highway
S22). Park along the N side of the road in a large, graded parking area.
CLIMB: From the vehicles, walk a 50° bearing across the
desert flats toward
the rounded hill on the left (W)
side of the entrance to Palo Verde Canyon. Bear right around the base of the hill and enter Palo Verde
Canyon, hiking about 1.5 miles up it to the 1900 foot elevation level. Leaving the wash here, head left (W) up
a 400 foot slope to the ridgeline and turn right (N), following a faint trail along the ridge to point 3520+ (UTM
763890) directly ahead of you. From here drop down 100 feet to a gray colored saddle at UTM 764894 and
choose one of the following routes to reach the top.
ROUTE A: Descend NE down a gully to re-enter Palo Verde Cany
on at the 3200 foot elevation level and
climb the slopes on the other side of the cany
on to a saddle just N of point 3800+ at UTM 774899. From this
saddle follow a faint trail N along the ridge to the top.
ROUTE B: Climb NNE up the ridge to point 3680+ at UTM 763899. Turn right (NE) dropping 300 feet to a
wash and up the other side to a ridge which is followed over point 4237 on its way
to the summit.
ROUND TRIP STATS/EITHER ROUTE: 4800 feet of elevation gain, 12 m
iles, 9-10 hours
Limited primitive trail head camping across the road where the Thimble Trail 4WD road comes out. Be careful
to park north of the restricted access signs, there is a fine for parking on the wrong side! Other camping may be
found at the official campground near the Anza-Borrego park headquarters. Dispersed camping is also allowed
in various places. Check with the park headquarters for more information. http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=638
Revised 12/4/17