ROUND TRIP STATS/ROUTE C: 6200 feet elevation gain, 14 miles, 12-14 hours
1. Rabbit Peak is perhaps the most strenuous day hike in this guide. There is no water to be found along
either Route A or B. You must carry enough with you to meet the demands of this grueling climb; 3 or 4
quarts of water minimum per person is recommended. Also, you've got to pick the right time of year to climb
the peak. A favorite time among DPS'ers is during the cool winter months of December, January and
February. Because of the short daylight hours during winter, be sure that all members of the group carry a
flashlight or headlamp (with extra batteries and bulb) for a possible return to the cars in the dark.
2. Some parties may opt to do Rabbit as an overnight backpack along Route A. Campsites at the 1800 foot
and 3235 foot elevation levels on the ridge between Sheep and Barton Canyons offer level ground for an
overnight stay. If you choose to climb Rabbit this way, be sure to carry the additional water you'll need for
drinking and cooking.
3. Rabbit Peak is also on the list of the Hundred Peaks Section (HPS) of the Sierra Club. Nearby Villager
Peak, located 3.5 miles SE of Rabbit along the crest of the Santa Rosas is also an HPS peak. From Rabbit it's
about a 3 hour climb (one way) over a roller coaster ridge with 1000 feet of net gain to Villager. The return to
Rabbit has a net gain of about 1800 feet.
4. Rabbit can also be climbed from the Anza-Borrego side by starting at the parking spot for Rosa Point (see
Guide No. 4.3). Although this route is not shown on the included maps, following are the hiking directions
for interested parties. From the parking spot hike N about 1.0 mile across the desert flats to the base of the
prominent ridge just left (W) of Rattlesnake Canyon. Hike the ridge N for about 5.0 miles, climbing over a
number of false summits and staying to the right (E) side of point 5640+ en route to Villager Peak. From the
top of Villager follow the ridge line NNW to Rabbit. This route is more strenuous than either Routes A, B or
C described above and is best done as an overnight backpack. Once again, be prepared with the extra water
you'll need for this long trip.
5. If none of the above routes are hard enough for you, then you might want to consider a ridge run along the
crest of the Santa Rosas starting from road's end (locked gate) near Toro Peak. This very strenuous line up
Rabbit is, at minimum, an overnight backpack. The route along the ridge is not obvious in places and will
require routefinding skills, so be prepared with a map and compass and be sure to have enough food, water
and other necessities along to safely do this trip. One way to do this hike is by arranging a car shuttle between
Toro Peak and a selected point in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. Having done this, you can proceed by
backpacking along the ridge to a point W of Rabbit the first night. Hike over Rabbit on the second day and
follow Route B or C down to Clark Lake (see Drive/Routes B and C directions to Clark Lake) if your vehicles
are there. As an option on the descent you can continue SSE from Rabbit along the ridge to Villager Peak,
then down around the E side of point 5640+,