MILEAGE: 305 miles of paved road, 1.7 miles of good dirt, 3.5 miles of sandy road. (For route A, see below for
C and D)
DRIVE/ROUTES A & B: From Barstow, CA. drive 52 miles E on I-40 to the town of Ludlow. Exit the
freeway here, drive through town and continue E on the National Trails Highway (Old Highway 66) for 53
miles to the signed, dirt Danby Road. For those approaching from the east, the Danby Road is located
approximately 9.3 miles W of Essex, CA. Turn right (SE) on the Danby Road and go 1.7 miles, crossing the
RR tracks and passing through Danby. Continue SE on a sandy road approximately
5.5 miles to the Old
an Wilderness boundary just past a gas pipeline right-of-way. Park.
CLIMB/ROUTE A: Hike SE up the road
about 2.0 miles to the abandoned Florence Mine at the base of the
Old Wom
n Mountains. From the mine head S up a gully to the saddle just W of point 1268.
Contour S to a
wash which is followed up to the ridge just SE of point 1498. From here head SSE for approximately 0.5
miles along the ridge to the summit.
CLIMB/ROUTE B: From the mine head SE up a gully for about 0.5 miles to a wash. Turn right (SW) and
0.2 miles up the wash to
a fork. Bearing right, continue SW for 0.5 miles to a ridge, where you'll join up
with Route A. Head SSE along the ridge for about 0.5 miles to the summit.
ROUND TRIP STATS/ROUTES A & B: 3200 feet elevation gain, 7 miles, 6-7 hours
DRIVE/ROUTES C & D: Following the driving directions
for ROUTE A to Ludlow, drive E on the National
Trails Highway (Old Highway 66) for 40 miles to the sm
all town of Chambless, located approximately 12
miles E of Amboy, CA. Turn right (SE) on the signed, paved Cadiz Road and go 4.4 miles to where it
crosses the RR tracks. Less than 50 yards S of the tracks (pavement ends here) turn left on a good dirt road
which parallels the tracks. Drive 5.5 miles to a fair dirt road and turn right. Drive 1.9 miles to a 4-way
junction and turn left. Go 2.3 miles to within 100 yards of a pipeline pumping station and turn right on a fair
dirt road heading S over Skeleton Pass (The last 0.7 miles of road to the pumping station is actually a dirt
runway for small planes servicing the station.). In 1.5 miles turn left (E) on a fair dirt road heading towards
the Old Woman Mountains. Follow this road for 5.0 miles to where it drops into a wash at the mouth of
Carbonate Gulch. Bear left at a fork in 0.6 miles and go another 1.6 miles to a very narrow, high-walled wash
on the left. Park here. 4WD and high clearance is needed to get to this point because of a few sandy stretches
and rocky areas encountered along the way. Climbers with only 2WD vehicles should probably not bother
with this route but instead opt for Route A or B.
CLIMB/ROUTE C: Hike NW up the high-walled wash, coming to a major fork in 0.5 miles. Bear left,
hiking through an obvious narrow
slot which opens into a large wash that is followed to the saddle between
points 1602 and 1608. Contour around the left (W) side of point 1608 to the saddle just S of the summit, then
up 100 feet to the top. This route is rated Class 2.
ROUND TRIP STATS/ROUTE C: 2200 feet elevation gain, 4 m
iles, 4 hours