Manly Peak


By: Graham Stephenson


Although Sid Davis was detained in Miami, producing pictures, 16 DPS members and guests climbed to the summit of Manly Peak (7196') on Sat AM after a 1-1/2 hr scramble from their cars at the end of the road on the N side of the peak. After meeting at the Ashford Mill Jntcn 21 mi W of Shoshone, the group caravaned up the Warm Springs Canyon road thru Butte Valley and approached the peak from the north. The climb was made via a ridge on the NE and 2,000' gain. The Ashford Mill road inward is varying dirt and gravel, but in genera1 good condition. Most of the climbers went back towards home on Sat nite, but four of us went up into Death Valley to Furnace Crook and then over to Ballarat. We drove one car up Surprise Canyon to road's end at Panamint City and parked the car after sound admonitions from "Mary" about the desecrative activities of the Sierra Club. On Sun Morning, Eric Schumacher, Bill and I did Sentinel Peak thru light patches of snow. The road to Panamint was in worse condition (even though recently graded) than the author can ever remember.

Detailed information for visiting one or more peaks mentioned in this article can be found in the
Desert Peak Section Road and Peak Guides

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